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zaterdag 27 februari 2021
Den Fokus neu denken - Pandemiemanagements auf Grundlage der Entwicklungserfordernisse
"In the context of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic, which spread globally in the spring of 2020, non-pharmaceutical interventions were implemented in almost all countries of the world to slow down the spreading of the pandemic. After a first phase with clearly invasive interventions in the everyday life of the population, completed in three steps in Germany during March (cf. Dehning, Zierenberg, Spitzner et al 2020), these measures were largely withdrawn during the summer. Currently, we are again in the midst of very profound interventions, as incidence levels of COVID-19 infection and disease have been increased rapidly. The issue of what role children and youth play in the spread of the pandemic in this regard and under what conditions educational and childcare facilities can be managed responsibly, and what consequences their closure would have for society, has been debated in very contradictory terms ever since (cf. Baumann 2020a, 2020b, Munro & Faust 2020). And the discussion seems politically, scientifically, and socially deadlocked. In this article, the authors try to reverse the view and the question and to put the needs of children, adolescents and families as well as the learning and developmental requirements into the focus of a possible pandemic management. This perspective broadens the view insofar as it enables a scientific discourse about consideration processes and criteria."
Databank sociale samenhang
The Road to Adulthood: aligning Child Welfare Practice With Adolescent Brain Development
"With knowledge of how the adolescent brain matures, adults can do more to ensure that the road leaving foster care will take young people to self-sufficiency and successful adulthood. And this guide tells how."
Education, healthcare and housing: how access changed for children and families in 2020
"The COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on the accessibility of health, education and care services for all Europeans. This is also the case for children, who in several countries have seen their schools closed and replaced with remote learning. They have been affected too by the pandemic’s negative impact on their families’ access to healthcare and their mental health. Many families have also experienced rising housing insecurity. The Child Guarantee aims to ensure access to these resources for children in need. Over 2020, Eurofound gathered wide-ranging data on Europeans’ lives during the pandemic. Based on this data, this policy brief documents changes in the accessibility of education, healthcare and housing in the EU27 between 2018–2019 and the summer of 2020, so that these developments can be taken into account when designing policy responses and mitigating measures."
Study on child participation in the EU political and democratic life
"Child participation is the notion that children have the right to express their views and have them taken into account on all matters that concern them, in accordance with their age and maturity. Child participation in EU political and democratic life refers to distinctive opportunities for children to be involved in the various stages of the planning, design, implementation and evaluation of policy and legislation. Both the promotion and protection of the rights of the child are objectives of the European Union (EU). It is within this context that the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST) has contracted this analysis on the participation of children in political and democratic life across the EU. The study’s results and the ideas gathered during this project are intended to contribute to future work on children’s participation in society at the EU level. This study defines a ‘child’ as anyone under the age of 18, in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This study focuses on child participation in EU political and democratic life, but it does not address children’s participation in other settings that are unrelated to public life (e.g. judicial proceedings, school daily life or family-related contexts), or voting. The study covers a broad range of mechanisms – such as consultations, polls, ad hoc meetings and structural consultation bodies – that have been implemented after 2012 across 28 countries (27 EU Member States (MS) and the UK). The study covers mechanisms at the international, EU and national level, and at the local level in 10 selected MS – namely Bulgaria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain."
A rural-urban divide in Europe? An analysis of political attitudes and behaviour
"This Technical report offers insights on how the spatial dimension of attitudes and political behaviour across Europe relates to the underlying socio-demographic and economic features. In investigating the existence and nature of a rural-urban divide, it aims to support the Commission’s activities towards a Communication on a Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas. This work builds upon the JRC Science for Policy report Immigration and trust in the EU. A territorial analysis of voting behaviour and attitudes (Scipioni, Tintori et al. 2019). It examines if and how a rural-urban divide may correlate and impact on Europeans' opinions and political choices, with specific reference to a series of issues considered to be particularly divisive in European public discourses in recent times. The study splits the analysis in two parts: one related to data on attitudes, the other on political behaviour. In the part based on survey data, it first looks at the 2018 Flash Eurobarometer on Regions and then, to gain a time perspective, it considers the Standard Eurobarometer series from 2003 to 2019. This section focuses on whether and how attitudes have shifted in rural versus urban areas towards the EU and national governments, as well as over immigration. The part on the political behaviour looks at the European Parliament elections of 2014 and 2019. The section first describes how the political offer of European parties has evolved between the two elections, in relation to the EU and immigration policies according to the Chapel Hill Expert Survey (CHES). Then, it analyses how European voters, divided according to their residence in urban, rural or intermediate territories, cast their votes in both elections for parties coded according to their positions towards the EU and immigration. Overall, the empirical analysis detects some signs of a rural-urban divide in the political attitudes and behaviour of Europeans, but unevenly across various Member States and, importantly, their occurrence is issue-dependent. In addition, the observed geographic differences are less territorial in nature than a second-order manifestation of socio-demographic structural characteristics. The study thus contributes to the framework of the JRC work to provide scientific analyses to identify and understand socio-demographic drivers and implications of territorial disparities across the EU, with a view to support knowledge-based policy design and inform tailored measures."
Les principes d'égalité et non-discrimination, une perspective de droit comparé
"Ce document s’intègre dans une série d’études qui, avec une perspective de droit comparé, visent à faire une présentation des principes d’égalité et de non-discrimination dans différents États. Après avoir expliqué la normative et la jurisprudence d’application, le contenu, les limites et la possible évolution de ces principes sont examinés. La présente étude a pour objet le cas de la Belgique. Cette étude retrace premièrement l’évolution de la reconnaissance du principe d’égalité et de non-discrimination en Belgique depuis 1831. Dans un second temps, il présente de la manière la plus exhaustive possible la législation belge en matière de lutte contre la discrimination. Troisièmement, l’étude aborde de façon plus sélective la jurisprudence ambitieuse de la gardienne du principe d’égalité et de non-discrimination, à savoir la Cour constitutionnelle. Quatrièmement, le rapport décrit la réception en droit belge du concept de la discrimination positive né Outre-Atlantique. Enfin, quelques réflexions conclusives sont exposées."
How children (10-18) experienced online risks during the Covid-19 lockdown
"Covid-19 pandemic impacted the lives of most children in Europe dramatically. The lockdown affecting most European countries in spring 2020 saw the sudden shift of most children's activities into the digital world. Since then, children's schooling, leisure time, social contacts, home life have mostly been conducted at home via digital media. Embracing new tools and services and spending several hours per day online changed dramatically daily schedules. The online world offers opportunities and new possibilities, substituting face-to-face interactions. However, it opens the door to well-known online risks (inappropriate content, overuse, cyberbullying, cyberhate, disinformation, misuse of personal data, cyber-risks, etc.) This report provides a snapshot of how children across Europe perceived and experienced different known online risks during the Covid-19 spring lockdown in eleven countries, and which steps parents and children took to mitigate and cope with these risks. In particular, changes that occurred in children’s online risk experiences during the Covid-lockdown, compared to the situation before the crisis, were identified."
The effects of COVID-19 induced border closures on cross-border regions
Gender inequalities in care and consequences for the labour market
"The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of both paid and unpaid care work for a well-functioning society and economy. During the pandemic, the burden of work for carers has increased dramatically, whether they are lone parents taking care of their children at home or nurses treating patients in hospitals. Care workers were applauded and described as ‘essential workers’. Yet care work is among the most disadvantaged and underpaid professions in the EU. This undervaluing of care work is closely linked to the ideas that caring is a woman’s responsibility within the household and that it is something that is done for free. […] This report is part of the European Institute for Gender Equality’s work on monitoring the EU’s progress towards its gender equality commitments under the Beijing Platform for Action. It was prepared at the request of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union. We are confident that this report and its findings and recommendations provide clear evidence of why care needs to be at the centre of EU policymaking if we want to keep moving forward with gender equality."
Migrant integration statistics
"Migrant integration statistics presents different aspects of European Union (EU) statistics on the integration of migrants. The successful integration of migrants into society in the host country is the key to maximising the opportunities of legal migration and making the most of the contributions that immigration can make to EU development. In this publication, migrant integration is measured in terms of employment, education, social inclusion, and active citizenship in the host country. The analysis is based on statistics from the labour force survey, statistics on income and living conditions and Eurostat’s migration statistics, and is presented for the European Union and its Member States, the United Kingdom as well as for the EFTA countries."
vrijdag 26 februari 2021
Blog opgroeienblog.wordpress.com
donderdag 25 februari 2021
A journey to unravel citizen engagement
"Dit proefschrift gaat in op de variatie in burgerparticipatie en onderzoekt de praktijken die binnen gemeenten ontstaan wanneer zij participatie organiseren. In het bijzonder wordt er onderzocht of er gedeelde patronen kunnen worden ontdekt die belangrijk zijn voor degene die burgerparticipatie toepassen (bijvoorbeeld raadsleden, wethouders, ambtenaren en burgers). Van deze actoren wordt immers verwacht dat zij dit goed organiseren en het begrijpen. Burgerparticipatie in dit onderzoek wordt gedefinieerd als het proces waarbij de samenleving actief deelneemt in openbare beslissingen en burgers worden betrokken bij taken en diensten van de lokale overheid."
Jongeren zoeken de ruimte in Vilvoorde
"Deze publicatie belicht de relatie van jongeren en publieke ruimte in Vilvoorde. We laten vooral de stem van jongeren zelf horen in de vorm van tien verhalen. Zij zijn immers expert over hun omgeving. Hiermee willen we het lokale beleid en andere relevante actoren stimuleren om aan de slag te gaan rond ruimte voor en door jongeren. We hopen u hiermee te inspireren. "
woensdag 24 februari 2021
The environmental justice atlas
maandag 22 februari 2021
Decolonising the Human: reflections from Africa on difference and oppression
Project Nederland: van feitelijke naar gewenste nationale identiteit
"Overheid en samenleving moeten de discussie over de Nederlandse identiteit niet langer uit de weg gaan. Cruciaal hierbij is echter dat in het debat de aandacht wordt verlegd van de feitelijke naar de gewenste identiteit van ons land. De vraag ‘wie we willen zijn’ moet centraal staan. Dat stelt WRR-onderzoeker Will Tiemeijer in zijn essay ‘Project Nederland’."
Houdbare ouderenzorg : ervaringen en lessen uit andere landen
"Hoe hebben andere landen geprobeerd de langdurige ouderenzorg betaalbaar te houden en tegelijkertijd kwalitatief goed en toegankelijk met behoud van maatschappelijk draagvlak? In het Working Paper Houdbare ouderenzorg – Ervaringen en lessen uit andere landen (nr. 42) brengen de auteurs de ervaringen uit Denemarken, Duitsland, Engeland en Japan in kaart. Wat zijn hun bevindingen en wat betekenen ze voor de houdbaarheid van de langdurige ouderenzorg in Nederland?"
Policies, regulations & legislation promoting healthy housing: a review
"The consideration of health in housing policies is vital to improve population health and to avoid unintended consequences. This review of health-promoting housing policies, regulations and legislation is part of WHO’s efforts to support countries in implementing the WHO Housing and health guidelines. Relevant examples with the potential to produce health benefits for residents are set out in a repository and discussed in this report. The policies were identified through searches of academic bibliographic databases and grey literature and through expert input. The contexts in which policies were adopted and implemented were documented, as were specific barriers, enablers and benefits for health. The report is intended to serve as an aid for policy-makers and stakeholders seeking to plan, formulate and implement similar policies aimed at promoting healthy and safe housing for all."
Fathers Advancing Community Together
"This brief presents results from a baseline survey of custodial and non-custodial parents enrolled in the Fathers Advancing Community Together (FACT) program offered by Rubicon Programs in Contra Costa County, California. FACT is a multi-faceted program designed to deliver responsible parenting, healthy relationships, and economic stability services on a voluntary basis to low-income fathers. Our survey findings reveal that FACT parents believe they have the necessary skills to be successful parents and recognize the importance of personal finance and long-term economic stability. In addition, FACT parents face challenges around securing childcare during the day while they attended program workshops, issues around effective coparenting and joint decisionmaking, and difficulty balancing the need to seek employment opportunities while attending the program during the day. These findings led FACT program staff continue to modify the program structure and service delivery to overcome these challenges and better serve parents."
vrijdag 19 februari 2021
Betekenisvolle activiteiten tijdens de eerste covid-19 lockdown
donderdag 18 februari 2021
Hoe vergroot je de financiële zelfredzaamheid van jonge alleenstaande vluchtelingen in de overgang van 18- naar 18+ ?
"Jonge, alleenstaande vluchtelingen die achttien geworden zijn, zitten ineens zonder vangnet en begeleiding vanuit jeugdzorg. Hoe regel je je geldzaken in een land dat je net kent? KIS brengt in het nieuwe rapport ‘Desnoods eet ik twee weken brood met pindakaas’ het vraagstuk in kaart. Daarnaast biedt het – voor gemeenten en andere betrokken organisaties en professionals – tips en handreikingen voor oplossingen om de financiële zelfredzaamheid van deze jongeren te versterken."
woensdag 17 februari 2021
The EESC reveals the winners of its Civil Solidarity Prize
#EUROPAgegenCovid19, an initiative presented by the non-profit company Kommunikationswerkstatt 27, fighting disinformation, fake news and misinformation on the pandemic and motivating citizens to stand up against emotional and cognitive manipulation
OKRA, trefpunt 55+, an association that responded to the pandemic with The resilience of OKRA, a creative initiative aimed at keeping older people active and socially connected
Karin dom, a foundation which offered online training activities to support families of children with special needs
Hrvatska mreža za beskućnike, a Croatian network which supported homeless people as the country moved into lockdown and was further hit by an earthquake
Volunteers for the support of vulnerable groups during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, for their initiatives which included the delivery of food and medicines to people isolating because of their age or health issues. The initiatives were coordinated by Erika Theofanidi
Nevypusť Duši – an organisation created by students and graduates of medicine, psychology and social work whose webinars helped high school students cope with mental health problems and build psychological resilience during the pandemic.
Bouge ton Coq, a platform which strives to keep rural France alive, for its initiative C’est ma tournée! (It's my round!), which supported rural shops and businesses struggling to meet costs during the pandemic
Krisenchat, a 24/7 counselling service which provided free practical support and comfort via Whatsapp or SMS to young people and children
Steps, a non-profit organisation that transformed its existing One-Stop project into Many Stops, providing hot meals, bottled water and personal hygiene products to street-connected people and those in precarious housing;
Magyar Helsinki Bizottság, or the Hungarian Helsinki Committee which provided free legal assistance in human-rights-related cases linked to the crisis
Alison - Free Online Courses & Online Learning platform, for its project Coronavirus: What You Need to Know, a free COVID-19 facts course that has been translated into over 70 languages and has reached over 350 000 people worldwide
Casetta Rossa, a non-profit association which combines food delivery to vulnerable people with a radio station broadcasting information and personal stories to boost morale
Karolina Barišauskienė , a communications expert for her project Priešakinėse linijose (At the Front Lines), a digital campaign of stories and insights from medical professionals on the coronavirus front line
Malta Chamber of SMEs for its project With You All the Way, which provided online advice and peer support to help thousands of SMEs to adapt to the pandemic
Krystyna Paszko a high-school student who created Chamomiles and Pansies, an online shop offering a lifeline to victims of domestic violence during lockdown
Vizinhos à Janela, a neighbourhood initiative presented by Íñigo Hurtado which brought some relief through daily balcony concerts and food delivery to people in need
Asociatia Prematurilor, the Romanian association of premature babies, for its project Support for Medical Staff and Newborns in Maternity – Protective Equipment and Apparatus Against COVID-19 in maternity wards
Društvo psihologov Slovenije, an association of Slovenian psychologists, for their project Psychosocial Support to General Public and Professional Support to Psychologists and Other Healthcare Professionals During COVID-19 Outbreak in Slovenia
Človek v ohrození, a non-profit NGO, for its initiative Their Health is Also Our Health, which supported hard-hit Roma communities and helped them through the pandemic
Asociación de Familias y Mujeres del Medio Rural (AFAMMER), an association of families and women in rural areas for its project AFAMMER Great Rural Solidarity Network, which brought together hundreds of women in rural Spain who gave their time and sewing skills to tackle a shortage of protective masks and the growing isolation of elderly people during the pandemic;
Community and arts space and non-for-profit company Blivande for its project Crisis Response – an open-source initiative to create protective healthcare equipment on a large scale
Cherwell Collective, CIC, for their project Live, Learn, Eat, Grow, which provided food and other essentials to people in need and trained residents to grow their own food
Emergency, an Italy-based NGO, for the assistance it provided in Europe and worldwide to contain the pandemic, in particular through its Replicable Model of Safety and Protection Measures, a scalable model to design and manage hospitals during the pandemic
Social and Economic Vulnerability of Roma People
"This open access volume provides an understanding of the different aspects of success, school continuity and social mobility among European Roma, including the motives justifying the high rates of school dropout and failure among this group. It offers a critical and reflexive perspective about social reality from a multidisciplinary and transversal point of view, sharing knowledge and practices in different countries about the articulations between Roma families, individuals, school and public policies. Over time, there has been an increase in the educational attainment of European citizens, but there are still persistent inequalities between Roma and non-Roma, including gender inequalities, which greatly affect Roma women. The volume explores the issue of Roma education and includes chapters from Western European, South and Central and Eastern European researchers using different theoretical and methodological perspectives. The intersection of this diversity and plurality of standpoints makes possible to obtain a comprehensive view on the education and schooling of European Roma."
dinsdag 16 februari 2021
Maatschappelijke positie en participatie van mannen en vrouwen
"Het rapport focust op de maatschappelijke positie en participatie van mannen en vrouwen in Vlaanderen. Daarbij wordt gebruikt gemaakt van een brede waaier van statistieken over demografie, onderwijs en vorming, betaalde en onbetaalde arbeid, inkomen en armoede, gezondheid, besluitvorming, sociale participatie, attitudes en gedrag en mobiliteit."
maandag 15 februari 2021
Migrant-native differentials in the uptake of (in)formal childcare in Belgium: The role of mothers’ employment opportunities and care availability
"Objective: we explore migrant-native differentials in the uptake of formal and informal childcare and whether this is induced by lower demand for childcare versus differential access to (in)formal childcare compared to natives. Background: The rise in female labour market participation in recent decades has challenged parents to negotiate work and family responsibilities and organise childcare. Belgium is among the European countries with the highest availability of formal childcare, but maternal employment and uptake of childcare are substantially lower in migrant populations. Methods: Combining linked microdata from the 1991 and 2001 censuses with contextual data on childcare availability at the municipality level, we use multinomial logit models to study childcare use and type of childcare arrangement among parents having a young child in 2001. As access to childcare and maternal employment are mutually endogenous, we use estimated employment opportunities. Results: We find considerable migrant-native differentials in childcare use, as well as substantial differences between first and second generation migrants. Second generation mothers of Turkish, Moroccan and Eastern-European background are less likely than natives to use childcare, and more likely to rely on informal arrangements if childcare is used. Controlling for socio-demographic characteristics and differential availability of (in)formal childcare largely accounts for differences in childcare use, but Turkish and Moroccan women remain less likely to use care and first generation Turkish mothers remain more likely to use informal care as opposed to formal childcare. Conclusions: While differences in socio-demographic characteristics, labour market opportunities and availability of (in)formal care provide a partial explanation, partial migrant-native differentials in childcare use persist for specific groups, suggesting that other factors inhibit the uptake of formal childcare."
Encouraging multiculturalism in social work education and practice: responding to Covid 19 pandemic
"The corona virus that originated in Wuhan, China in December 2019, now called Covid-19, has spread globally and been deemed a ‘pandemic’ by the World Health Organization (WHO). It poses many questions for social workers. Key to this are those concerning what is the profession’s role and purpose in fighting the pandemic; and how can social workers support those affected by the virus? Many healthcare organizations and government agencies are making detailed preparations for dealing with the pandemic Covid-19. All plans to date have recognized that there will undoubtedly be a greater need for resources than will be available mostly in form of mental support to people. Social workers everywhere are trying to find a way forward in the chaos. This paper is written from the point of view of a social worker from Kerala, who through this article aims to explore the impact of Covid-19 on social workers, the role social workers have been playing in this pandemic period and also the importance of understanding social work from a global and multicultural perspective."
Evaluating Environment in International Development
"This book provides novel and in-depth perspectives on evaluating environment and sustainability issues in developing countries. Evaluating Environment in International Development focuses on the approaches and experiences of leading international organizations, not-for-profits, and multilateral and bilateral aid agencies to illustrate how systematic evaluation is an essential tool for providing evidence for decision-makers. Moving beyond projects and programmes, it explores normative work on the environment as well as environmental consequences of economic and social development efforts. This new edition reflects on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals and considers how they have influenced efforts in a wide range of countries and what the implications are for evaluation. It also explores ways in which Big Data and geospatial approaches might be utilised. Significantly updated throughout to reflect recent developments in climate change research, and on the implications of the 2020 pandemic, this volume will be of great interest to students and scholars of environment studies, development studies, international relations, sustainable development and evaluation, as well as practitioners in international organizations and development and environmental NGOs."
Supercharging poverty?
"The EAPN Poverty Watch Reports do not attempt to provide a comprehensive academic report on poverty. They start from the reality of people experiencing poverty and the perspectives of the NGOs that support and work with them: our 31 EAPN national networks and 13 European Organization members. Their main objectives are to: To monitor key trends and policy on poverty and social exclusion in Europe To raise awareness about priority issues and impact/reality for people experiencing poverty To propose concrete recommendations backed by example and evidence Poverty Watch Reports 2020 The Poverty Watches 2020 have an additional goal: on the one hand, to present the current trends of poverty and social exclusion, and additionally to reflect on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and government measures, on people experiencing poverty and social exclusion. Find a complete overview of the Poverty Watches here."
zondag 14 februari 2021
Expeditie Sociale Technologie
Does downward social mobility make people more hostile towards immigrants?
"This study explores the relationships between intergenerational social class mobility and attitudes towards immigration. We interpret a failure to keep up with parental social class (i.e., downward mobility) as an indicator that individual’s status achievements lag behind expectations and contribute to subjective feelings of loss and decline. An innovative feature of this study is that we investigate both whether individual’s mobility experience – micro level – and also whether opportunity structures – mobility on a macro level – are linked with attitudes towards immigration. In contexts with high downward-mobility, opportunities for moving up are limited and hence perceived economic decline and loss might lead to more hostility towards immigrants. We use the Eu-ropean Social Survey data (2002–2010) and conduct analyses on 30 countries using diagonal reference models that allow the effects of individual mobility trajectory to be disentangled from origin status and destination status. Our results show that the working classes hold stronger anti-immigration attitudes and parental class continues to exert an effect on attitudes in adulthood even after accounting for individual’s own social class position. Being downwardly mobile from parental class does not appear to be associated with more hostility towards immigrants, except in a few European countries like Italy, Poland, and Greece. Our random-effects meta- regression models show, however, that people living in contexts of high downward mobility are more hostile towards immigrants compared to people in contexts with high upward mobility."
donderdag 11 februari 2021
Straathoekwerk, het Boek
"In 2019 kwamen alle straathoekwerkers en coördinatoren uit Vlaamse steden verschillende dagen samen. Ze discussieerden over alle theorie die toen beschikbaar was. En bekeken wat er anders moest. Straathoekwerk het Boek is daar de neerslag van. Het is een boek voor en door straathoekwerkers en hun coördinatoren. En voor iedereen die hun werk beter wil begrijpen. Een boek voor jou dus. Een boek dat houvast biedt, richting geeft en misschien zelfs bruikbaar is om te herbronnen. Een boek dat de geur van de straat verspreidt en het licht van achter de voordeur laat schijnen. Een boek dat de kracht van gasten uitademt (want ja, in het straathoekwerk spreken we van gasten, niet van cliënten en al helemaal niet van patiënten). Dit boek is er voor jou omdat jij elke dag komt waar anderen vaak niet meer komen. Omdat jij niet bang bent maar verwonderd. Omdat jij doordoet waar anderen al lang verplicht opgaven. Dit boek gaat over Sterk sociaal werk: nabij, verbindend, generalistisch, procesmatig en politiserend."
woensdag 10 februari 2021
La rose blanche, film over een grieks café in Molenbeek. onlinescreening op 26 februari
Teaching Myself To See
"Teaching Myself to See deals with Tito’s struggles to participate in a world full of visual details. As a person with autism, Tito is visually selective, processing the myriad of details seeping in through the eye rather than the whole. Tracing Tito’s experiences to learn to see in his own, “hyper-visual” way, through art, through magazines, through everyday life, Teaching Myself to See is a work of auto-anthropology, capturing in words, sentences, paragraphs, poems, a way of seeing that might seem so bewildering that doctors and psychologists told his mother he wouldn’t be able to think. This book proves otherwise. By teaching us to look through his eyes, Tito shows us the miracle and immense complexity of sight, of neuro-atypicals and neuro-typicals alike."
dinsdag 9 februari 2021
Onderzoek naar de attitudes over migratie en mediagebruik bij jongeren in Vlaanderen
"StampMedia voerde in 2020 een kwantitatief onderzoek bij scholieren uit heel Vlaanderen, gecombineerd met focusgroepen in 16 Vlaamse scholen. Dat kadert binnen Other Talk, een programma van 11.11.11 en Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen, dat meer nuance in het debat rond migratie wil brengen. Migratie en diversiteit zijn maatschappelijke fenomenen waarrond heel wat standpunten ontwikkeld worden. Navigeren tussen al die meningen en visies is voor iedereen uitdagend. Door de sterke polarisatie in het debat is het niet vanzelfsprekend om op een veilige manier van gedachten te wisselen. Dat is voor volwassenen zo, maar ook voor jongeren. Zij bevinden zich nochtans in een groeifase waarin gesprek, aftoetsen van meningen en dialoog cruciaal zijn om zich te ontwikkelen tot bewuste burgers. Voor jongeren is het extra belangrijk om voldoende de mogelijkheid te krijgen om hun ideeën over migratie te ontwikkelen, erover te discussiëren, te onderzoeken vanwaar hun ideeën komen en te kijken welke andere ideeën er bestaan over dit thema. Maar op welke manier kan het gesprek nog gevoerd worden? Hoe gaan we opnieuw naar een constructieve uitwisseling van ideeën en standpunten met jongeren?"
maandag 8 februari 2021
How pressures towards privatisation of health and long-term care put Europe on a poor footing for a pandemic
"From hospitals to care homes, the evidence is mounting that outsourcing and private provision of healthcare has significantly degraded EU member states’ capacity to deal effectively with COVID-19. The EU must reject the private sector lobbyists now whispering in its ear, and reverse course on the kind of economic governance which has accelerated healthcare liberalisation, instead putting public provision at the centre of its strategy. If it doesn’t, more lives will be at stake."
zaterdag 6 februari 2021
Jongeren met complexe problematieken en hun ouders en professionals aan het woord
"Agressie, gedragsproblemen, crisis, ADHD, ASS, isola-tie, medicatie, politie, jeugdrechter, psychiatrie, time-out, carrousel van voorzieningen, gesloten instelling: het zijn al-lemaal woorden die vaak vallen bij ‘jongeren met complexe problematieken’. Laat ze over zichzelf vertellen of hoor een ouder een beeld van hun kind schetsen, en je hoort dezelfde woorden. Maar vooral zoveel andere: welke toekomst ze voor zichzelf dromen, wat ze graag doen in hun vrije tijd, welke mensen ze een warm hart toedragen en voor wie ze graag zorgen. Het zijn gewone jongens en meisjes met complexe problematieken. In ‘Gewoon complex’ laten we jongeren met complexe pro-blematieken en hun ouders en professionals aan het woord. Het dossier combineert de analyses van professionals - wat zijn de grootste struikelblokken in de hulpverlening voor kinderen en jongeren met complexe problematieken, en hoe kunnen die vermeden worden? – met de ervaringen van de jongeren en de ouders. Hoe omschrijven jongeren en ouders hun problemen? Hoe kijken zij naar zichzelf? Wat hebben ze nodig? En waar zien zij oplossingen? We sluiten het dossier af met ideeën voor verbetering van de jongeren, ouders en professionals en beleidssuggesties van het Kinderrechtencommissariaat."
donderdag 4 februari 2021
Bewoners trekken mee aan de kar
Samen of gescheiden naar school: de betekenis van sociale scheiding en ontmoeting
"Het SCP publiceert haar rapport ‘Samen of gescheiden naar school’. Daaruit blijkt dat door een optelsom aan individuele keuzes van schoolbesturen en ouders een gesegregeerd onderwijsaanbod is ontstaan waardoor leerlingen met uiteenlopende achtergronden vaak elk naar hun eigen school gaan. Dat maakt dat leren omgaan met ‘de ander’ niet plaatsvindt op school en dat kan uiteindelijk leiden tot grotere afstand tussen groepen in de samenleving. Het voortgezet onderwijs staat op deze manier ver af van haar doel om leerlingen als burgers te leren samenleven in een complexe en diverse samenleving."
dinsdag 2 februari 2021
Onderzoeksrapport Mobiel 21
"Mensen in vervoersarmoede worden elk op een eigen manier beperkt in hun dagelijkse leven. Samen met Koos Fransen (UGent en VUB) en Netwerk Duurzame Mobiliteit onderzochten we de achterliggende factoren van vervoersarmoede. Blijkt dat alle lagen van de bevolking getroffen worden. En dat een oplossing voor de ene groep niet automatisch de juiste is voor een andere. Maar oplossingen zijn er gelukkig wel. "
maandag 1 februari 2021
Quaranteam: teambuildingsopdrachten
"De coronacrisis inspireerde de teambuildingspecialisten van Pimento tot 19 gratis opdrachten rond teambuilding, diepere kennismaking en zelfreflectie. Hiermee versterk of onderhoud je de band tussen leerlingen of andere groepsleden, ondanks de afstand. Ideaal om de quarantainetijd als gevolg van het coronavirus te overbruggen! En je legt een mooie basis voor een fijne groepssfeer wanneer het gewone leven weer zijn gang zal kunnen gaan."
Migratie, gelijkheid & racisme: 44 opinies
"Migratie, gelijkheid en racisme leiden steeds vaker tot saillante maatschappelijke debatten. Meer dan 80 VUB-academici en coauteurs hebben de handen in elkaar geslagen. Filosofen, advocaten, psychologen, gezondheidswetenschappers, sociologen, geografen, criminologen, communicatiewetenschappers, politicologen ... Samen willen ze het humanisme beoefenen als kritische praktijk of als een “techniek om zaken bespreekbaar te maken”, om het met de woorden van Edward Said te zeggen. In 44 tot nadenken stemmende en geïnformeerde opiniestukken stellen ze gangbare opvattingen over migratie, gelijkheid en racisme in vraag en stellen ze oplossingen voor die je in beroering kunnen brengen. Laat dit boek een inspiratiebron zijn voor wie een geïnformeerd debat wil voeren over de steeds saillantere kwesties van migratie, gelijkheid en racisme, en voor wie meer wil weten over hoe en waarom humanisme vaak een lege doos is gebleven voor migranten en geracialiseerde groepen. Of voor wie inspiratie zoekt voor een rechtvaardige toekomst voor iedereen."
Nota impact Corona op personen met migratieachtergrond en personen met arbeidsbeperking
"De coronacrisis heeft een grote impact op de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt. Hoewel het effect van de crisis en van heel wat maatregelen pas later zichtbaar wordt, is nu al duidelijk dat personen met een migratieachtergrond en personen met een arbeidsbeperking harder getroffen worden. Zij worden geconfronteerd met meer banenverlies, hogere jeugdwerkloosheid en een groter risico op digitale uitsluiting. Corona dreigt de kloof op de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt voor deze mensen nog verder uit te diepen. De sociale partners van de SERV, het Minderhedenforum en het Overlegplatform Handicap & Arbeid vragen daarom dat de Vlaamse Regering rekening houdt met deze kwetsbare groepen en de structurele ongelijkheid op de arbeidsmarkt niet vergroot."