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The British Journal of Social Work Current Issue
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woensdag 27 februari 2019
Symposium 'Armoede is vrouwelijk'
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dinsdag 26 februari 2019
Open Forum jonge mantelzorgers
"Op zaterdag 27 april organiseren de Kinderrechtencoalitie, !DROPS, Pimento en CERA een open forum over jonge mantelzorgers. Jonge mantelzorgers zijn kinderen en jongeren die opgroeien in een gezin waar één van de gezinsleden thuis zorg nodig heeft, bijvoorbeeld omdat hij of zij ziek, gehandicapt of verslaafd is. Kinderen nemen vaak zelf een zorgende rol op en staan hierbij voor grote zorgen, verantwoordelijkheden en vragen."
Digital Objects, Digital Subjects : interdisciplinary Perspectives on Capitalism, Labour and Politics in the Age of Big Data
Digital Objects, Digital Subjects : interdisciplinary Perspectives on Capitalism, Labour and Politics in the Age of Big Data / David Chandler & Christian Fuchs. London: University of Westminster Press, 2019.
"This book explores activism, research and critique in the age of digital subjects and objects and Big Data capitalism after a digital turn said to have radically transformed our political futures. Optimists assert that the ‘digital’ promises: new forms of community and ways of knowing and sensing, innovation, participatory culture, networked activism, and distributed democracy. Pessimists argue that digital technologies have extended domination via new forms of control, networked authoritarianism and exploitation, dehumanization and the surveillance society. Leading international scholars present varied interdisciplinary assessments of such claims—in theory and via dialogue—and of the digital’s impact on society, the potentials, pitfalls, limits and ideologies, of digital activism. They reflect on whether computational social science, digital humanities and ubiquitous datafication lead to digital positivism that threatens critical research or lead to new horizons in theory and society."
"This book explores activism, research and critique in the age of digital subjects and objects and Big Data capitalism after a digital turn said to have radically transformed our political futures. Optimists assert that the ‘digital’ promises: new forms of community and ways of knowing and sensing, innovation, participatory culture, networked activism, and distributed democracy. Pessimists argue that digital technologies have extended domination via new forms of control, networked authoritarianism and exploitation, dehumanization and the surveillance society. Leading international scholars present varied interdisciplinary assessments of such claims—in theory and via dialogue—and of the digital’s impact on society, the potentials, pitfalls, limits and ideologies, of digital activism. They reflect on whether computational social science, digital humanities and ubiquitous datafication lead to digital positivism that threatens critical research or lead to new horizons in theory and society."
Refugees and the Ethics of Forced Displacement / Serena Parekh. Routledge, 2017
Refugees and the Ethics of Forced Displacement / Serena Parekh. Routledge, 2017.
“This book is a philosophical analysis of the ethical treatment of refugees and stateless people, a group of people who, though extremely important politically, have been greatly under theorized philosophically. The limited philosophical discussion of refugees by philosophers focuses narrowly on the question of whether or not we, as members of Western states, have moral obligations to admit refugees into our countries. This book reframes this debate and shows why it is important to think ethically about people who will never be resettled and who live for prolonged periods outside of all political communities. Parekh shows why philosophers ought to be concerned with ethical norms that will help stateless people mitigate the harms of statelessness even while they remain formally excluded from states.”
“This book is a philosophical analysis of the ethical treatment of refugees and stateless people, a group of people who, though extremely important politically, have been greatly under theorized philosophically. The limited philosophical discussion of refugees by philosophers focuses narrowly on the question of whether or not we, as members of Western states, have moral obligations to admit refugees into our countries. This book reframes this debate and shows why it is important to think ethically about people who will never be resettled and who live for prolonged periods outside of all political communities. Parekh shows why philosophers ought to be concerned with ethical norms that will help stateless people mitigate the harms of statelessness even while they remain formally excluded from states.”
maandag 25 februari 2019
Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Europe & Negotiating Early Job Insecurity
Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Europe: Problems, Risk Factors and Policies / Bjørn Hvinden, Christer Hyggen, Mi A. Schoyen and Tomáš Sirovátka. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
"Providing original insights into the factors causing early job insecurity in European countries, this book examines its short- and long-term consequences. It assesses public policies seeking to diminish the risks to young people facing prolonged job insecurity and reduce the severity of these impacts. Based on the findings of a major study across nine European countries, this book examines the diverse strategies that countries across the continent use to help young people overcome employment barriers. "
Negotiating Early Job Insecurity: Well-being, Scarring and Resilience of European Youth / Bjørn Hvinden, Jacqueline O’Reilly, Mi A. Schoyen and Christer Hyggen. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
"Offering new knowledge and insights into European job markets, this book explores how young men and women experience job insecurity. By combining analysis of original data collected through a variety of innovative methods, it compares the trajectories of early job insecurity in nine European countries. Focusing on the ways in which young adults deal with this by actively increasing their chances of getting a job through a variety of methods, as the book shows how governmental policies can be altered to reduce early job insecurity."
"Providing original insights into the factors causing early job insecurity in European countries, this book examines its short- and long-term consequences. It assesses public policies seeking to diminish the risks to young people facing prolonged job insecurity and reduce the severity of these impacts. Based on the findings of a major study across nine European countries, this book examines the diverse strategies that countries across the continent use to help young people overcome employment barriers. "
Negotiating Early Job Insecurity: Well-being, Scarring and Resilience of European Youth / Bjørn Hvinden, Jacqueline O’Reilly, Mi A. Schoyen and Christer Hyggen. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019.
"Offering new knowledge and insights into European job markets, this book explores how young men and women experience job insecurity. By combining analysis of original data collected through a variety of innovative methods, it compares the trajectories of early job insecurity in nine European countries. Focusing on the ways in which young adults deal with this by actively increasing their chances of getting a job through a variety of methods, as the book shows how governmental policies can be altered to reduce early job insecurity."
Crisis in Democracy: Renewing Trust in America
Knight Commission on Trust, Media and Democracy, Crisis in Democracy: Renewing Trust in America, Washington, D.C.: The Aspen Institute, February 2019.
"Trust in American democratic institutions has steadily declined for decades due in large part to a rapidly changing information environment. Without trust, democracy cannot function. To address this, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program launched the Knight Commission on Trust, Media and Democracy in early 2017. For over a year, this nonpartisan commission of 27 leaders in government, media, business, non-profits, education and the arts examined the collapse in trust in the democratic institutions of the media, journalism and the information ecosystem, and developed new thinking and solutions around rebuilding trust.
The Commission’s charge was to:
Examine the causes and consequences of a collapse in trust in democratic institutions, with a focus on trust in the media, journalism, and the information ecosystem.
Identify the perennial and emerging values and social obligations that should guide those who produce, distribute and consume news and information to ensure a functioning democracy.
The scope of the Commission’s work included the following:
What is contributing to the collapse in trust in major media and journalism institutions as key components of our democracy?
How do citizens in our democracy experience issues of truth and fact today? How do they perceive current sources of information?
How is a rapidly changing technology landscape influencing the information ecosystem, including the distribution and consumption of news and information in the public interest?
What are the responsibilities and social obligations of institutions who produce, distribute and consume information to support a functioning democracy? What does an effective information ecosystem - including the role of journalism - look like in a functioning democracy?
The result of their work is reflected in this report. The Commission recommends specific actions to restore trust in media and in democracy. They are intended for an American future that promotes knowledge of the country’s democratic heritage, encourages a willingness to engage in local civic activities, and supports an array of inclusive institutions in government, media, business and civil society at all levels. The Commission sees vibrant and responsible journalism serving the goal of self-government and holding the powerful accountable, and a world where new forms of communication enhance rather than diminish a healthy democracy."
donderdag 21 februari 2019
Bevordering van de geestelijke gezondheid op het werk: richtsnoer voor de tenuitvoerlegging van een allesomvattende aanpak
Bevordering van de geestelijke gezondheid op het werk: richtsnoer voor de tenuitvoerlegging van een allesomvattende aanpak / David McDaid, Richard Wynne, Stavroula Leka, Irene Houtman & Véronique De Broeck. Luxemburg: Bureau voor publicaties van de Europese Unie, 2017
"Geestelijke gezondheid en welzijn van de Europese beroepsbevolking worden in toenemende mate gezien als een belangrijke kwestie voor de Europese belanghebbenden op de werkvloer."
Slim door gym? Dat verschilt per kind
Slim door gym: effecten van fysieke activiteit op cognitie van kinderen in het primair onderwijs/ J.W. de Greeff, A.G.M.de Bruijn, A. Meijer, I.M.J. van der Fels, M. Königs, J. Smith, D.D.N.M. Kostons, C. Visscher, R.J. Bosker, J. Oosterlaan & E. Hartman. Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2018.
"Bewegen is goed voor de gezondheid van kinderen. Maar worden ze er ook slimmer van? Een grootschalige studie bracht de effecten van bewegingsonderwijs in kaart op onder andere een aantal cognitieve vaardigheden van kinderen, zoals aandacht en werkgeheugen, en hun schoolprestaties bij rekenen, spelling en lezen. De studie bestond uit een literatuuronderzoek en een experiment met twee bewegingsinterventies onder basisschoolleerlingen. De uitkomst is niet eenduidig: waar het literatuuronderzoek wijst op kleine maar significante effecten, konden deze effecten in het experiment niet worden gereproduceerd." (Bron: website nro.nl)
woensdag 20 februari 2019
Fototentoonstelling TROTS: 19 feb 2019 - 26 apr 2019
"Trots is een unieke fototentoonstelling waarin fotograaf Philippe Swiggers heel helder het ware gelaat van de sociaal werker toont en de, meestal kwetsbare, mensen met wie hij werkt."
Waar: Cera, Muntstraat 1, 3000 Leuven
Toegang: gratis
Openingsuren: Maandag tot vrijdag van 9 tot 17 uur
(Bron: website Cera)
Compendium collecting promising practices around tackling in-work poverty
Combatting in-work poverty: EAPN compendium of promising practices / European Anti-Poverty Network, 2018.
"EAPN has decided to share knowledge and give visibility to promising practices that have been able to address positively the crucial issue of in-work poverty. This is a compendium collecting promising practices around tackling in-work poverty, whether they are policy, projects or campaigns. The rationale behind this work is to draw from experience of people directly involved in these processes to offer an overview of what seems to be working in the fight against in-work poverty.
This compendium will complement our ongoing policy work in the framework of the European Semester, including on the delivery on the Europe 2020 Strategy poverty- and other social targets, and the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights."
maandag 18 februari 2019
vrijdag 15 februari 2019
woensdag 13 februari 2019
Werk en mantelzorg: kwaliteit van leven en het gebruik van ondersteuning op het werk
Werk en mantelzorg: kwaliteit van leven en het gebruik van ondersteuning op het werk / Alice de Boer, Inger Plaisier & Mirjam de Klerk. SCP, 2019.
“In Nederland geven vele werkenden hulp aan zieke huisgenoten, familieleden en vrienden. Deze hulp wordt ook wel mantelzorg genoemd. In dit rapport wordt beschreven hoe en voor wie mensen mantelzorg met hun baan combineren. Vaak gaat die combinatie goed, mede doordat mensen deze taken op andere dagen doen. Soms hangt het helpen samen met een lagere kwaliteit van leven. Bijvoorbeeld bij mensen die intensief hulp geven of die het gevoel hebben dat ze wel hulp moeten geven omdat er niemand anders is. Contact met de leidinggevende over de mantelzorg en flexibel werk kan de kwaliteit van leven van mantelzorgende werkenden verbeteren”
maandag 11 februari 2019
100 years of social protection: the road to universal social protection systems and floors
100 years of social protection: the road to universal social protection systems and floors / Isabel Ortiz, Valérie Schmitt & Loveleen De. ILO, 2019.
"This volume documents how countries in Africa, the Americas and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe have achieved universal coverage in the areas of child and maternity benefits, disability and old age pensions, health and others; which financing sources countries have allocated for the extension of social protection; what innovations governments have implemented to ensure that no one is left behind. The volume also documents historical perspectives to understand how national social security systems have advanced over the past decades. These country experiences are useful for practitioners and policy-makers, to provide the basis for better informed policies. It also provides inspiration to all of us on ways to build the future that we want, a world where the human right to social protection is a reality for all."
zaterdag 9 februari 2019
Kom af op 16.02 - Aftrap #komafmetarmoede
Kom af op 16.02! #komafmetarmoede from Decenniumdoelen on Vimeo.
Waar? Magdalenazaal – La Madeleine, Duquesnoystraat 14, 1000 Brussel (Vlakbij Brussel-Centraal)
Wanneer? 16 februari 2019 van 10 tot 12u30. Deuren open vanaf 9u15. Deuren dicht om 10u00.
Gastvrouw Fien Sabbe (radio 1, radio Donna, … en Uitgelezen), pianist Jef Neve, brievenschrijver Erik Vlaeminck, Noël Slangen, Ann Demeulemeester, Naima Charkaoui, Wim Van Lancker, Marc Justaert, Jos Geysels, ea verwelkomen jullie om samen komaf te maken met armoede.
vrijdag 8 februari 2019
Editorial: Social work in twenty-first-century context
Social work students are taught that social work does not take place in a vacuum but strives to maintain a dynamic relationship between its professional ethics and objectives and the social, political, cultural and philosophical contexts in which it is practised. This is a precept easier declaimed than put into practice. The challenges facing social work as we move towards the third decade of the twenty-first century are both globally diverse and associated with evils such as prejudice, persecution and poverty (to name a trio of ‘Ps’) which seem well beyond the remit of the individual social worker but which are intrinsic to the problems affecting the service users with whom s/he engages on a daily basis. Yet, delivery of effective, quality social services, ostensibly more within our reach, is beset with a number of ‘wicked problems’ (Grint and Holt, 2011) to which we struggle to find a solution. The current rise in the popularity of a return to ‘relationship-based social work’ asserts one side of the dynamic between the social work profession and the broader contexts in which we practise and on the other side, we have been pleased to publish in recent issues of this Journal articles that have variously addressed policy practice (Dickens, 2018; Garrett, 2018; Greeson et al., 2018; Mosson et al., 2018); front-line social work and the fight against poverty and socio-economic disadvantage (Grootegoed and Smith, 2018; Kandylaki and Kallinkaki, 2018; Schiettecat et al., 2018; Shamai, 2018); social work intervention in the international refugee and migration crisis (Bilotta and Denov, 2018; Koren, 2018; Määttä, 2018); and social work practice which takes seriously the implications of ecological damage, not just as a global problem but for some of those already the most vulnerable (Ku and Dominelli, 2018). These are but some examples of social work taking a fresh look at the relationship between individual practice and its wider contexts, but we suggest that this is a direction the profession urgently needs to pursue if it is to remain fit for both immediate and higher purpose through the twenty-first century, which goes hand-in-hand with maintaining its international cohesion.
from The British Journal of Social Work Current Issue http://bit.ly/2SlyFMS
from The British Journal of Social Work Current Issue http://bit.ly/2SlyFMS
Getting results on poverty and the Social Pillar: EAPN Response to the Annual Growth Survey Package 2019
Kwalitatieve evaluatie van het geestelijke gezondheidssysteem en de zorgtrajecten van gebruikers in het kader van de Psy 107 hervorming in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
Parcours.Brussel: kwalitatieve evaluatie van het geestelijke gezondheidssysteem en de zorgtrajecten van gebruikers in het kader van de Psy 107 hervorming in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest / Carole Walker, Pablo Nicaise & Sophie Thunus. Observatorium voor Gezondheid en Welzijn Brussel, 2019.
"De Psy 107 Hervorming, die werd opgestart in 2010 en veralgemeend in 2016, wil het geestelijk gezondheidszorgaanbod rond de patiënt reorganiseren waarbij deze zo veel mogelijk in zijn eigen leefomgeving kan worden behandeld. Deze studie wil de implementatie van de 107 Hervorming in Brussel evalueren en op basis daarvan aanbevelingen voorstellen.
Het project “Parcours.Brussel”, uitgevoerd door de l’Université Catholique de Louvain (Carole Walker, Pablo Nicaise en Sophie Thunus) in opdracht van het Observatorium voor Gezondheid en Welzijn, onderzoekt hoe het geestelijke gezondheidssysteem in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest is georganiseerd aan de hand van de zorgtrajecten van gebruikers die in contact staan of stonden met diensten voor geestelijke gezondheidszorg in het gewest. Wat het anders maakt dan andere projecten is de bewuste keuze om te vertrekken vanuit de ervaringen van personen die zorg krijgen of van zorg uitgesloten zijn en om daarbij bijzondere aandacht te schenken aan de sociale- en verzorgingsdimensie van de zorgtrajecten."
donderdag 7 februari 2019
Family Support. Gezinsondersteuning bij gewelddadige radicalisering: Een inspiratiegids
Family Support. Gezinsondersteuning bij gewelddadige radicalisering: een inspiratiegids / Kim Lecoyer, Hassan Bousetta & Mégane Dethier. Koning Boudewijnstichting, 2019.
"De meeste families die worden geconfronteerd met gewelddadige radicalisering stellen zich heel veel vragen en zijn op zoek naar antwoorden en ondersteuning. Heel vaak weten ze niet tot wie zij zich kunnen richtten voor hulp en welke diensten bevoegd zijn om hen ondersteuning en omkadering aan te bieden. Terwijl net de families een belangrijke rol kunnen spelen in de strijd tegen het ronselen van jonge mensen door gewelddadige extremistische groeperingen. De naasten zijn goed geplaatst om de eerste signalen van radicalisering op te vangen, om de kwetsbare jongeren raad te geven, en om de re-integratie van geradicaliseerde personen en eventueel die van hun kinderen makkelijker te laten verlopen.
Deze inspiratiegids rondt het project Family Support af, een initiatief van de FOD Binnenlandse Zaken dat de Koning Boudewijnstichting heeft opgezet in samenwerking met externe partners. De gids biedt een diepgaande analyse van de praktijken uit de mapping die eerder werd gepubliceerd, en integreert de lessen die zijn getrokken uit andere luiken van het project Family Support (vorming, werkgroepen met experts). Het doel is om aanbevelingen te formuleren voor de actoren op het terrein en voor beleidsmakers."
woensdag 6 februari 2019
Key figures on Europe 2018 — Statistics illustrated — 2018 edition
Key figures on Europe 2018 — Statistics illustrated — 2018 edition / Eurostat
"This new edition of Key figures on Europe — Statistics illustrated marks something of a new departure from previous editions. With more visualisation, innovative data presentation formats and shorter texts, we aim to better respond to the needs of our users while also reaching a wider and more diverse audience. It is available in English, French and German.
This publication provides you with a selection of interesting key statistics on the European Union (EU), its Member States as well as the countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Drawing from the rich collection of data available at Eurostat, we aim to provide insight into the current situation and recent developments across the EU with regard to people and society, the economy and business, and the environment and natural resources.
This publication may be viewed as an introduction to EU statistics and provides a starting point for those who wish to explore the wide range of data that is freely available on Eurostat’s website at https:/ec.europa.eu/eurostat and presented in a large number of online articles in Statistics Explained."
dinsdag 5 februari 2019
The Playful Citizen
The Playful Citizen/ Glas, René; Lammes, Sybille; Lange, Michiel; Raessens, Joost; Vries, Imar. Amsterdam University Press, 2019.
"This edited volume collects current research by academics and practitioners on playful citizen participation through digital media technologies."
vrijdag 1 februari 2019
Factsheets BCSD: OCMW-dienstverlening aan financieel kwetsbare gezinnen
"Factsheets voor de (nieuwe) leden van het Bijzonder Comité voor de Sociale Dienst (BCSD). Deze factsheets bundelen belangrijke begrippen om snel wegwijs te worden in de OCMW-dienstverlening aan financieel kwetsbare gezinnen. Aan de hand van zestien thema’s geven we inzichten zodat de leden van het BCSD hun taak op een nog beter geïnformeerde manier kunnen uitvoeren." (Bron: cebud.be Thomas More)
Factsheet 1 - Armoede
Factsheet 2 - Leefwereld armoede
Factsheet 3 - Kinderarmoede
Factsheet 4 - Europese armoedelijn
Factsheet 5 - Menswaardig inkomen
Factsheet 6 - REMI
Factsheet 7 - Sociaal onderzoek
Factsheet 8 - Sociaal verslag
Factsheet 9 - RMI - leefloon
Factsheet 10 - RMI - GPMI
Factsheet 11 - Referentieadres
Factsheet 12 - Budgethulpverlening
Factsheet 13 - Schuldhulpverlening
Factsheet 14 -Rechten uitputten
Factsheet 15 - Groepswerking
Factsheet 16 - Outreachend werken
Download hier alle factsheets
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