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woensdag 26 juni 2019
Jaarverslag 2018: mensenrechten in ere herstellen
Jaarverslag 2018: mensenrechten in ere herstellen / Unia, 2019.
"In 2018 weerklonk luid protest tegen het racisme dat onze samenleving aanvreet. Er werd opgeroepen tot een meer krachtige tegenmobilisatie door politici en burgers. Ons beeld van een open en tolerant land kreeg in 2018 nog verder een deuk door homofobe agressies in verschillende Belgische gemeenten. "
dinsdag 25 juni 2019
E-learning Informelezorg rond mensen met (L)VB
"Zorgorganisatie Abrona en Hogeschool Utrecht hebben een nieuwe digitale module 'professioneel samenwerken met informele zorgers' ontwikkeld. Gratis beschikbaar via https://www.e-learninginformelezorg.nl/ . "
(Bron: Klik 48(2019)5 : p.29)
maandag 24 juni 2019
Grenzen aan een leven lang leren
Grenzen aan een leven lang leren / Ralf Maslowski & Ria Vogels. Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, 2019.
"Scholing wordt gezien als belangrijk middel voor werkenden om hun inzetbaarheid op peil te houden. De noodzaak om zich te blijven ontwikkelingen lijkt bovendien, als gevolg van globalisering, robotisering en andere technologische veranderingen, actueler dan ooit tevoren. Desondanks blijkt dat de deelname aan scholing stagneert. Het is de vraag waardoor dat komt.
In dit onderzoek gaan we na welke belemmeringen burgers ervaren om aan scholing deel te nemen. We gaan daarbij na of deze belemmeringen verschillen voor groepen burgers. Daarbij kijken we zowel naar de houding van burgers tegenover scholing, hun persoonlijke omstandigheden als de mate waarin randvoorwaarden vanuit de werkgever en het scholingsaanbod aansluiten bij hun behoeften."
vrijdag 21 juni 2019
SAM-uitwisselingsmoment : Wat is gepast hulpverlenen? De vraag achter schuldig verzuim.
"Sociaal werk is waardenvol werk. We leggen samen met de cliënt een weg af vanuit een sterk engagement. Daarbij maken we voortdurend inschattingen:
•over veiligheid voor cliënten of anderen
•over maatschappelijke tussenkomst of werken in vrijwilligheid
•over gepaste hulp, de grenzen van hulpverlening
•en over werken in vertrouwen en mogelijk doorbreken van het beroepsgeheim
Die evenwichtsoefening wordt sterk beïnvloed door toenemende maatschappelijke verwachtingen en door angst voor juridische aansprakelijkheid."
Voor wie?
Voor praktijkwerkers uit het brede sociaal werk die soms werken op het scherp van de snee.
Je werkt bij CAW, CLB, BJB, Straathoekwerk, Justitieel Welzijnswerk, VAPH, OCMW, jeugdwerk, Samenlevingsopbouw...
Ook vanuit politie of parket kan je aansluiten.
Prijs: 40 euro met broodjeslunch / 35 euro zonder broodjeslunch
Wanneer? Donderdag 17 oktober 2019 van 9.30 tot 14 uur. Onthaal vanaf 9 uur.
Waar? De Nieuwe Vrede, Vredestraat 16-22, 2600 Berchem
Meer info vind je hier.
donderdag 20 juni 2019
Children’s needs: parenting capacity
Cleaver, H., Unell, I. and Aldgate, J. (2011) Children’s needs: parenting capacity: child abuse: parental mental illness, learning disability, substance misuse, and domestic violence (PDF). London: The Stationery Office (TSO).
"The 2010 Government statistics for England demonstrated that, as in the 1990s, only a very small proportion of children referred to children’s social care became the subject of a child protection plan. In many families children’s health and development were being affected by the difficulties their parents were experiencing. The findings from research, however, suggest that services were not always forthcoming. Practically a quarter of referrals to children’s social care resulted in no action being taken. This book provides an update on the impact of parental problems, such as substance misuse, domestic violence, learning disability and mental illness, on children’s welfare. Research has continued to emphasise the importance of understanding and acting on concerns about children’s safety and welfare when living in households where these types of parental problems are present."
Kompas voor inclusieve communicatie
Kompas voor inclusieve communicatie: een procesbeschrijving voor professionals en organisaties in het publieke domein / Lineke van Hal, Joke Hermes, Karel Koch & Cemil Yilmaz. Utrecht : Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving, 2019.
"De Nederlandse samenleving is superdivers en publieke organisaties hebben contact met veel verschillende mensen. Communicatie waarbij iedereen zich gezien en begrepen voelt, is dus van groot belang. Zodat er niet onbedoeld wordt bijgedragen aan gevoelens van uitsluiting of het versterken van vooroordelen tussen (groepen) burgers. Deze handleiding geeft richting bij het bepalen van de koers voor inclusieve communicatie."
woensdag 19 juni 2019
Burgerdialogen en burgerraadplegingen
Burgerdialogen en burgerraadplegingen: belangrijkste conclusies (30 april 2019) / Europese Commissie. Luxemburg: Bureau voor publicaties van de Europese Unie, 2019.
"Dit verslag is gebaseerd op de bijdragen van honderdduizenden burgers die hun stem hebben laten horen tijdens ongeveer 1 600 burgerdialogen en via de onlineraadpleging over de toekomst van Europa. Het dient als input voor het overleg van de leiders van de EU-27 tijdens de informele bijeenkomst in Sibiu. Feedback van en interactie met de burgers zijn ook van grote waarde geweest met het oog op de bijdrage van de Commissie aan de strategische agenda die de leiders in juni 2019 zullen aannemen (Europa in mei 2019: voorbereidingen voor een meer verenigde, sterkere en democratischere Unie in een steeds onzekerder wereld."
Fundamental rights report 2019
Fundamental rights report 2019 / European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights , 2019
"How much progress can we expect in a decade? Various rights-related instruments had been in place for 10 years in 2018, prompting both sobering and encouraging reflection on this question. A renewed push to move forward on the Equal Treatment Directive, proposed in 2008, failed to produce the consensus necessary for its adoption. Meanwhile, 10 years after adoption of the Framework Decision on Racism and Xenophobia, FRA surveys underscored that people with minority backgrounds and migrants continue to face prejudice throughout the EU. By contrast, progress on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which entered into force a decade ago, offered reason for optimism: the convention reached ratification by all EU Member States in 2018. In addition, provisional agreement at EU level on the proposed European Accessibility Act marked an important milestone in its implementation. A year shy of its first decade as the EU’s binding bill of rights, the Charter of Fundamental Rights made appearances in case law and legislative impact assessments, but remained a long way from being systematically promoted and used. EU-level policy initiatives to promote Roma inclusion, which have not been in place for quite as long, already risk producing disappointing reviews down the road – including in evaluations of the EU’s efforts to reach certain Sustainable Development Goals, such as Goal 10 on reducing inequality within countries. While true change comes about as a result of a variety of factors, awareness of the problem is surely vital. News of large-scale abuses of personal data in 2018 sparked such awareness regarding the need for strong privacy and data protection safeguards, highlighting the relevance of recent legislative measures. Yet discussions on artificial intelligence sometimes gave short shrift to fundamental rights. Sometimes progress is selective. Child poverty in the EU is slowly decreasing, but children with parents born outside the EU or with foreign nationality are more likely to be left behind. This underlines the importance of ongoing efforts to integrate the large number of migrants who arrived in 2015 and 2016. Protecting progress achieved is also crucial. With challenges to judicial independence mounting, the EU took diverse steps to counter backsliding regarding the rule of law within the bloc. The Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, embraced by leaders around the globe, outline a blueprint for a better world. But the whole project will only succeed if SDGs are delivered with human rights embedded within them. Underscoring this point, this year’s focus chapter explores the interrelationship between human rights and the SDGs in the EU context. It takes a particularly close look at the goals related to reducing inequality and to promoting peace, justice and strong institutions. It also explains how bodies like FRA can help empower people by providing data needed to develop evidence-based policies and to evaluate progress made."
Early Childhood Matters 2019
Early Childhood Matters 2019 / Bernard Vand Leer Foundation, 2019
"A round-up of the most important advances, innovations, best practice and scalable solutions for early childhood around the world."
"A round-up of the most important advances, innovations, best practice and scalable solutions for early childhood around the world."
Working conditions and workers’ health
Working conditions and workers’ health / Eurofound, 2019.
"This report uses European Working Conditions Survey data to examine working conditions and their implications for worker’s health. Ensuring the sustainability of work in the context of ageing populations implies a greater number of people in employment who can remain in the workforce for longer. The report examines the interplay between work demands –which carry an increased risk of exhaustion – and work resources – which support workers in greater engagement and well-being. The findings indicate that physical risks have not increased but remain important, while emotional demands have increased, underlining the growing importance of psychosocial risks at work. Changes over time suggest that although the risk of poor health is concentrated in certain occupations, those occupations traditionally considered to be protected are increasingly exposed to risks that are likely to affect workers’ health and well-being."
dinsdag 18 juni 2019
Grenzen der Menschenrechte : Staatsbürgerschaft, Zugehörigkeit, Partizipation
Grenzen der Menschenrechte : Staatsbürgerschaft, Zugehörigkeit, Partizipation / Franziska Martinsen. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, 2019.
"Im derzeitigen Katalog der Menschenrechte fehlt ein zentrales Recht, das Hannah Arendt das »Recht auf Rechte« nennt. Dadurch bleibt vielen Menschen, wenn sie nicht Staatsbürger_innen eines Landes sind, in der nationalstaatlichen Praxis das Recht auf politische Mitgestaltung vorenthalten. 70 Jahre nach der Verabschiedung der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte ist daher eine kritische Revision des Menschenrechtsverständnisses dringend erforderlich. Franziska Martinsen erläutert aus radikaldemokratietheoretischer Perspektive, dass Menschenrechte erst dann, wenn sie weniger als humanitäre denn als originär politische Rechte verstanden werden, ihr ermächtigendes Potenzial weltweit entfalten können."
maandag 17 juni 2019
Constructing a Female Delinquent Self: Assessing Pupils in the Dutch State Reform School for Girls, 1905-1975
Constructing a Female Delinquent Self: Assessing Pupils in the Dutch State Reform School for Girls, 1905-1975 / Saskia Bultman. RU Radboud Universiteit, 2016.
"This dissertation examines the ways in which the four key assessment techniques used in the Dutch State Reform School for Girls (1905-1975) functioned in processes of identity construction for the pupils. To do so, it looks inside the dossiers of the pupils, in which the paper traces of these assessment techniques – pedagogical-pathological examination, autobiography-writing, Rorschach-testing and psychological examination – were preserved. These sources are studied by means of the praxiographic approach and discourse analysis. Through examining both the practices of the techniques and the rhetoric of the paper traces they left – pupils’ anthropometric examination forms, autobiographies, Rorschach test reports and psychological reports – this dissertation shows that the assessment techniques that were used in the institution did not primarily revolve around their contents, but around their practices. Moreover, this research demonstrates that each assessment technique produced a different “delinquent girl”. With each technique, the assessors claimed to see deeper into the girl, and the techniques increasingly created an individual with an inner self. Not only did the techniques thus construct the idea that these girls had inner selves, but they produced the idea that the girls had to live in accordance with their inner selves. However, the “true” inner selves that the techniques enacted left little room for individuality. Who the girls were actually said to be, was very much in line with the assessors’ gender- and class-informed norms: these working-class delinquent girls’ “true” selves were said to be sexually restrained. Historians of the modern self sketch a development in which self-exploration became increasingly important. In the Dutch State Reform School for Girls, however, it was the professionals, and not the girls, who delved into the girls’ depths and, supposedly, had the key to who they were. With every technique that was used in the reformatory, however, a different girl was constructed."
SPARC landscape analysis
SPARC landscape analysis: the changing academic publishing industry – implications for academic institutions / Claudio Aspesi, Nicole Allen, Raym Crow, Shawn Daugherty, Heather Joseph, Joseph McArthur, Nick Shockey. SPARC, 2019.
"SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) is a global coalition that works to enable the open sharing of research outputs and educational materials in order to democratize access to knowledge, accelerate discovery, and increase the societal and economic return on our collective investment in research and education. As a catalyst for action, SPARC focuses on promoting changes to both infrastructure and culture needed to make open the default for research and education.
This report was commissioned in response to the growing trend of commercial acquisition of critical infrastructure in our institutions. It is intended to provide a comprehensive look at the current players in this arena, their strategies and potential actions, and the implications of these on the operations of our libraries and home institutions. It also outlines suggestions for an initial set of strategic responses for the community to consider building out in order to ensure community control of both this infrastructure and the data generated by/resident on it."
"SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) is a global coalition that works to enable the open sharing of research outputs and educational materials in order to democratize access to knowledge, accelerate discovery, and increase the societal and economic return on our collective investment in research and education. As a catalyst for action, SPARC focuses on promoting changes to both infrastructure and culture needed to make open the default for research and education.
This report was commissioned in response to the growing trend of commercial acquisition of critical infrastructure in our institutions. It is intended to provide a comprehensive look at the current players in this arena, their strategies and potential actions, and the implications of these on the operations of our libraries and home institutions. It also outlines suggestions for an initial set of strategic responses for the community to consider building out in order to ensure community control of both this infrastructure and the data generated by/resident on it."
vrijdag 14 juni 2019
Booklets Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen met goede praktijken op vlak van wonen, werk en onderwijs
Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen maakte drie booklets samen met ORBIT vzw als inspiratie voor praktijkwerkers, lokale overheden en overheidsactoren. Je kan ze hier gratis downloaden.
donderdag 13 juni 2019
4 burgers op 10 lopen risico op digitale uitsluiting
4 burgers op 10 lopen risico op digitale uitsluiting / Koning Boudewijnstichting, 2019.
"In België heeft bijna 10% van de mensen tussen 16 en 74 jaar nog nooit gebruik gemaakt van het internet. Bij 39% van de bevolking zijn digitale basiscompetenties niet of zwak aanwezig. Een fenomeen dat vooral mensen met een laag opleidingsniveau en een bescheiden inkomen treft, en ook oudere mensen. Voor de Koning Boudewijnstichting is digitale of e-inclusie een motor voor maatschappelijke integratie. Daar zet ze zich ook voor in.
Deze infofiche verzamelt bestaande cijfers over digitale vaardigheden, online dienstverlening, toegang tot het internet in België en welbevinden in het digitale."
dinsdag 11 juni 2019
Tienspraak: tieners betrekken bij het gemeentelijk beleid
Tienspraak: tieners betrekken bij het gemeentelijk beleid / Wouter Vanderstede. Kind & Samenleving, 2019.
"De voorbije jaren ontwikkelde Kind & Samenleving in heel wat gemeenten en steden inspraakprojecten met jonge tieners. Vanuit onze ervaringen geven we in deze publicatie graag de basics en concrete tools mee voor inspraak van tieners in het gemeentelijk beleid.
Tienspraak is in de eerste plaats ontwikkeld voor jeugdconsulenten en inspraakbegeleiders. maar ook beleidsmedewerkers kunnen hier inspiratie opdoen voor het betrekken van tieners in het beleid
Tienspraak bestaat uit drie delen:
•Een inleiding met onze visie op inspraak en participatie met tieners
•Acht vuistregels voor het betrekken van tieners bij het gemeentelijk beleid
•Tien methoden en technieken om tieners te betrekken bij het gemeentelijk beleid"
De vrederechter
De vrederechter. Federale overheidsdienst justitie, 2019.
"Deze brochure behandelt de taken van de vrederechter en bekijkt zowel het standpunt van de eiser als dat van de verweerder. De inhoud van deze brochure vindt u ook anders verwoord in het Gerechtelijk Wetboek, vanaf artikel 590 (tot en met 601)"
vrijdag 7 juni 2019
Demographic scenarios for the EU: migration, population and education
Demographic scenarios for the EU: migration, population and education / Wolfgang Lutz (Ed.).Publications Office of the European Union, 2019.
"At the very heart of a changing society lies the number and composition of its members. Population growth has shaped the EU over recent decades and now its population is ageing. The slow-moving shift towards longer-living, lower-fertility, higher-educated societies brings the EU to new demographic frontiers, as it does in North America and East Asia. Facing these developments naturally prompts the questions: Who will live and work in Europe in the coming decades? How many, and with what skills? To answer these, we consider key factors that will influence European demographics over the coming decades."
woensdag 5 juni 2019
Poverty and Access to Education
Poverty and Access to Education: 17th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty / EAPN, 2019
"The theme for the 17th European Meeting of People Experiencing Poverty (PEP Meeting) was Poverty and Access to Education. The event was organised in Brussels, on 7-8 November, by the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) with support from the European Commission, the Austrian Presidency of the European Council, and the EAPN Fund."
Dimensions of Antigypsyism in Europe
Dimensions of Antigypsyism in Europe / Ismael Cortés Gómez and Markus End. European Network Against Racism and Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, 2019
"The book ‘Dimensions of Antigypsyism in Europe’, published by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) and the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, brings together a combination of academic and activist writing, based on practical experiences, to shed light on the multi-dimensional and complex phenomenon of antigypsyism. It uncovers how racialised discourses shape knowledge, policies, and racist practices and behaviours; analyses the role of European policies; and presents different case studies of structural discrimination against Roma in Europe."
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