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dinsdag 15 juni 2021

Een verkenning naar ondersteuningsbehoeften bij migrantenouders en kansrijke aanpakken

Een verkenning naar ondersteuningsbehoeften bij migrantenouders en kansrijke aanpakken: messenbezit onder jongeren / Liselotte van Loon-Dikkers, Marlinda van der Hoff, Jamila Achahchah, Marjolijn Distelbrink. Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving, 2021.

"Het dragen van messen door jongeren is een probleem waar nog niet alles over bekend is. In dit onderzoek zijn we in gesprek gegaan met formele en informele professionals en ondersteuners en met ouders die met messenbezit te maken hebben. We hebben ons hierbij voornamelijk gericht op de problematiek bij jongeren met een migratieachtergrond, omdat de signalen van ouders, professionals en informele ondersteuners uit deze gemeenschappen kwamen. Bij het tegengaan van de problematiek is maatwerk en flexibiliteit van belang. Er kan dan per jongere worden bekeken welke aanpak het beste werkt. Hierbij moet de context waarin de jongere opgroeit, inclusief de school, meegenomen worden. In dit rapport beantwoorden we de volgende vragen:
Wat is de omvang en wat zijn de oorzaken van de (vermeende) toename van het messenbezit?
Welke ondersteuningsbehoeften hebben ouders en welke aanpak is nodig om de problematiek tegen te gaan?"

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2021

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2021 / ILO, 2021

"This year’s World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends examines global and regional trends in employment, unemployment, labour force participation and productivity, as well as dimensions of job quality such as employment status, informal employment and working poverty. It also provides extensive analysis of the crisis’s varied impact on enterprises and workers. The report forecasts that employment recovery, though strong, will be insufficient to close the gaps. Workers whose labour market position was disadvantageous prior to the crisis – women, young people, migrants, informal workers and workers in lower-skilled occupations – suffered disproportionately. The report proposes a human-centred recovery strategy to avoid scarring of global labour markets for the years to come."

maandag 14 juni 2021

Special Issue: Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood: Exploring Historical Narratives

Special Issue: Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood: Exploring Historical Narratives. In: Child & Family Social Work. 26(2021)1. ORIGINAL ARTICLES -The school experience of children in residential care: A multiple case study -Care leaver needs and accessibility: Findings from the first large-scale project in Switzerland -Caregiver depression and child behaviour problems: A longitudinal mixed effects approach -Parents' perceptions of a group-based parenting programme in families with child protection and other family support services in a real-life setting -Judging parental competence: A cross-country analysis of judicial decision makers' written assessment of mothers' parenting capacities in newborn removal cases -‘It's so much better than contact’: A qualitative study exploring children and young people's experiences of a sibling camp in the United Kingdom -Attachment-facilitating interactions in non-kin foster families -Mothers with cognitive limitations who have children in placement benefit from intervention -Interpretative phenomenological analysis of young people's lived experiences of therapeutic residential care -Promoting family well-being and social cohesion: The networking and relational approach of an innovative welfare service in the Italian context -Sleep among youths in foster care: Associations with potentially traumatic events, PTSD and mental health -Children living with parental substance misuse: A cross-sectional profile of children and families referred to children's social care -Quality of experience in residential care programmes: Retrospective perspectives of former youth participants -The nature and prevalence of kinship care: Focus on young kinship carers -Parenting Black children in White spaces: Skilled African migrants reflect on their parenting experiences in Australia -Problem- and solution-focused characteristics of parenting support, 3 years after implementation of the solution-focused approach: A qualitative content analysis -Ontario child protection workers' views on assessing risk and planning for safety in exposure to domestic violence cases -Needs of homeless children in the Czech Republic -Experienced support from family, school and friends among students in out-of-home care in a school-based community survey

A Map of the Internet 2021 / Martin Vargic

A Map of the Internet 2021 / Martin Vargic

Learning to Live with Climate Change : from Anxiety to Transformation

Learning to Live with Climate Change : from Anxiety to Transformation / Blanche Verlie. Routledge, 2022.