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maandag 28 november 2011

Artikel in de kijker uit...Br J Soc Work

De papieren versie van The British Journal of Social Work vind je in het Studielandlandschap. Drie Gentse onderzoekers publiceerden er deze maand het artikel 'Irony and Social Work: In Search of the Happy Sisyphus'. Hoe om te gaan met een managerslogica binnen het sociaal werk? Rudi Roose, Griet Roets en Maria Bouverne-De Bie "argue that embracing ambiguity implies an ironical perspective in social work. This refers to an approach in social work that is open and undetermined by its very essence, as it enables social workers to remain sensitive to the complexity of their work and to stay engaged with the public debate about the social and political meaning of their work and its flaws, while simultaneously searching for new, undoubtedly flawed, answers".

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