
Welkom!! Dit is de blog van de mediatheek van de Sociale School Heverlee / Hogeschool UCLL.

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vrijdag 29 mei 2020

Bildung als Perspektive für Care Leaver?

Bildung als Perspektive für Care Leaver? : Bildungschancen und Bildungswege junger Erwachsener mit Kinder- und Jugendhilfeerfahrung / Maria Groinig, Wolfgang Hagleitner, Thomas Maran & Stephan Sting. Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2019.

"In the book, the results of a study are presented, with the help of which systematic knowledge about the educational, training and professional situation of Care Leavern in Austria was obtained for the first time and in which the interaction of educational processes and social context conditions of growing up was examined with the help of quantitative and qualitative research approaches."

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