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donderdag 19 augustus 2021

Het kind in Vlaanderen 2020

Het kind in Vlaanderen 2020 / Kind & Gezin, 2021. "Het rapport schetst een kwantitatief portret van kinderen in Vlaanderen. Statistische gegevens uit diverse bronnen worden samengebracht om een zo goed mogelijk beeld te geven van de toestand van de kinderen en hun leefwereld."

Loneliness in the EU : Insights from surveys and online media data

Loneliness in the EU : Insights from surveys and online media data / Laura Cassio, Béatrice d’Hombres, Guido Tintori, Julia Baarck & Zsuzsanna Pásztor. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2021.

"Research shows that loneliness and social isolation have harmful repercussions on mental and physical health, as well as significant consequences for social cohesion and community trust. Both loneliness and social isolation are therefore increasingly recognised as critical public health issues that deserve attention and need to be addressed with effective intervention strategies. The COVID-19 pandemic has also dramatically reshaped Europeans’ lives and social practices. Mobility restrictions and social distancing measures adopted to contain the spread of the virus have prompted public discussions about the unintended side effects of such arrangements, particularly in the form of loneliness and social isolation. Some fear that the toll of loneliness could have consequences long after the virus recedes. This report offers an overview of the current state of knowledge on loneliness and social isolation in the EU. It presents the main findings of two empirical analyses carried out by the JRC using two complementary sources of information, namely survey and online data. The analysis based on survey data offers a picture of recent trends in self-reported levels of loneliness across the EU and identifies the prevailing socio-demographic and geographical characteristics associated with loneliness before and during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Survey data show that the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the problem. The proportion of respondents that felt lonely frequently doubled following the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, young adults were hit more severely. The analysis based on online data looks at trends in online media reporting on loneliness and social isolation between January 2018 and January 2021. The volume of articles on these topics is measured on a monthly basis and by Member State, and the collected articles are analysed in depth to identify the prevailing sentiments contained in them and detect patterns in the underlying narratives. Online media reporting on loneliness and social isolation has doubled during the pandemic. Narratives largely concerned the health consequences of loneliness. The analysis of online media reporting catalogues also typologies and examples of policy initiatives aimed at combating loneliness and social isolation. Public initiatives vary across Member States. Overall, most interventions are designed at local level and are rarely part of more systematic programmes."

Poverty and mindsets : How poverty and exclusion over generations affect aspirations, hope and decisions, and how to address it

Poverty and mindsets : How poverty and exclusion over generations affect aspirations, hope and decisions, and how to address it / Alice Szczepanikova, Laura Cassio & Zsuzsa Blasko. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2021.
“This report looks at how being immersed in poverty and social exclusion for a prolonged period may affect how people consider themselves and their future, and how they act in relation to it. This report focuses on a less-studied obstacle – that is, how poverty and exclusion affect behaviour, aspirations, hope and agency, which can all be essential drivers to social mobility. Evidence suggests that the experience of poverty itself seems to contribute to the transmission of poverty to the next generation. The report gathers and summarises findings from behavioural studies, neuroscience, sociological and economic studies. Bringing together these diverse sources and scientific evidence can help to better understand this complex issue, and to identify countermeasures that may effectively address the problem."

Study on youth work in the EU

Study on youth work in the EU : final report / Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture Youth policy. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2021
"This study constitutes the second European-wide comparison on youth work published by the European Commission. The first European Commission study on youth work, published in 2014, was an exploratory investigation of youth work at European level, seeking to identify commonalities and to map the state of youth work policies across the EU. This second report goes further and focuses on the needs of youth workers at the grassroots level to critically analyse whether existing public policies fulfil these needs. This is a timely report: the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the youth work sector. It has forced youth workers to rethink how they provide their services, and placed many in a precarious position, particularly at the local level and for youth workers who support the most vulnerable young people."

maandag 16 augustus 2021

Kinderarmoede bestrijden doe je zo : drie effectieve projectmodellen

Kinderarmoede bestrijden doe je zo : drie effectieve projectmodellen / Nele Peeters, Bérénice Storms, Marieke Carpentier & Bjorn Koopmans. VVSG & KBS, 2021.
"De maatschappelijke kostenbatenanalyse van de drie effectieve projectmodellen reiken lokale besturen handvaten aan om projecten rond begeleiding en kwaliteitsvolle kinderopvang op te starten. En dit zowel op korte als langere termijn. Deze modellen werden geïnitieerd vanuit de lokale samenwerkingsverbanden en het Kinderarmoedefonds heeft deze initiatieven onderzocht en ondersteund gedurende meerdere jaren. De meerwaarde van deze modellen is nu onderbouwd met kwantitatieve en kwalitatieve data. En wat blijkt? Investeren in deze projectmodellen loont."

Geestelijke gezondheid in de eerste lijn – Internationale voorbeelden

Geestelijke gezondheid in de eerste lijn : internationale voorbeelden / Mark Leys. Koning Boudewijnstichting, 2021.
"De eerste lijn vormt het eerste aanspreekpunt van individuen, gezinnen en gemeenschappen met de zorg voor gezondheid en welzijn. In dit opzicht speelt de eerste lijn een belangrijke rol bij de gezondheidspromotie, preventie, detectie, behandeling en, in ruimere zin, integratie van mensen met een psychische kwetsbaarheid in de samenleving. Het is bekend dat psychische aandoeningen in de eerste lijn vaak ‘onder de radar’ blijven. Ze worden minder gedetecteerd en behandeld door een gebrek aan bewustzijn en/of kennis over hoe je deze aandoeningen herkent, of door een gebrek aan competenties om de betrokkenen hier het beste mee te helpen. Deze ‘cartografie’ wil aan de hand van internationale voorbeelden tonen hoe de eerste lijn met de geestelijke gezondheidszorg en andere sectoren kan samenwerken om geestelijke gezondheidsproblemen aan te pakken. Het geeft een inkijk in een aantal goede of beloftevolle praktijken in het VK, Ierland, Frankrijk, Nederland, Italië, Duitsland, Spanje en Noorwegen die een bijdrage leveren aan het omgaan met geestelijke gezondheid in de eerste lijn."

dinsdag 15 juni 2021

Een verkenning naar ondersteuningsbehoeften bij migrantenouders en kansrijke aanpakken

Een verkenning naar ondersteuningsbehoeften bij migrantenouders en kansrijke aanpakken: messenbezit onder jongeren / Liselotte van Loon-Dikkers, Marlinda van der Hoff, Jamila Achahchah, Marjolijn Distelbrink. Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving, 2021.

"Het dragen van messen door jongeren is een probleem waar nog niet alles over bekend is. In dit onderzoek zijn we in gesprek gegaan met formele en informele professionals en ondersteuners en met ouders die met messenbezit te maken hebben. We hebben ons hierbij voornamelijk gericht op de problematiek bij jongeren met een migratieachtergrond, omdat de signalen van ouders, professionals en informele ondersteuners uit deze gemeenschappen kwamen. Bij het tegengaan van de problematiek is maatwerk en flexibiliteit van belang. Er kan dan per jongere worden bekeken welke aanpak het beste werkt. Hierbij moet de context waarin de jongere opgroeit, inclusief de school, meegenomen worden. In dit rapport beantwoorden we de volgende vragen:
Wat is de omvang en wat zijn de oorzaken van de (vermeende) toename van het messenbezit?
Welke ondersteuningsbehoeften hebben ouders en welke aanpak is nodig om de problematiek tegen te gaan?"

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2021

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2021 / ILO, 2021

"This year’s World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends examines global and regional trends in employment, unemployment, labour force participation and productivity, as well as dimensions of job quality such as employment status, informal employment and working poverty. It also provides extensive analysis of the crisis’s varied impact on enterprises and workers. The report forecasts that employment recovery, though strong, will be insufficient to close the gaps. Workers whose labour market position was disadvantageous prior to the crisis – women, young people, migrants, informal workers and workers in lower-skilled occupations – suffered disproportionately. The report proposes a human-centred recovery strategy to avoid scarring of global labour markets for the years to come."

maandag 14 juni 2021

Special Issue: Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood: Exploring Historical Narratives

Special Issue: Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood: Exploring Historical Narratives. In: Child & Family Social Work. 26(2021)1. ORIGINAL ARTICLES -The school experience of children in residential care: A multiple case study -Care leaver needs and accessibility: Findings from the first large-scale project in Switzerland -Caregiver depression and child behaviour problems: A longitudinal mixed effects approach -Parents' perceptions of a group-based parenting programme in families with child protection and other family support services in a real-life setting -Judging parental competence: A cross-country analysis of judicial decision makers' written assessment of mothers' parenting capacities in newborn removal cases -‘It's so much better than contact’: A qualitative study exploring children and young people's experiences of a sibling camp in the United Kingdom -Attachment-facilitating interactions in non-kin foster families -Mothers with cognitive limitations who have children in placement benefit from intervention -Interpretative phenomenological analysis of young people's lived experiences of therapeutic residential care -Promoting family well-being and social cohesion: The networking and relational approach of an innovative welfare service in the Italian context -Sleep among youths in foster care: Associations with potentially traumatic events, PTSD and mental health -Children living with parental substance misuse: A cross-sectional profile of children and families referred to children's social care -Quality of experience in residential care programmes: Retrospective perspectives of former youth participants -The nature and prevalence of kinship care: Focus on young kinship carers -Parenting Black children in White spaces: Skilled African migrants reflect on their parenting experiences in Australia -Problem- and solution-focused characteristics of parenting support, 3 years after implementation of the solution-focused approach: A qualitative content analysis -Ontario child protection workers' views on assessing risk and planning for safety in exposure to domestic violence cases -Needs of homeless children in the Czech Republic -Experienced support from family, school and friends among students in out-of-home care in a school-based community survey

A Map of the Internet 2021 / Martin Vargic

A Map of the Internet 2021 / Martin Vargic