
Welkom!! Dit is de blog van de mediatheek van de Sociale School Heverlee / Hogeschool UCLL.

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maandag 14 juni 2021

Special Issue: Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood: Exploring Historical Narratives

Special Issue: Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood: Exploring Historical Narratives. In: Child & Family Social Work. 26(2021)1. ORIGINAL ARTICLES -The school experience of children in residential care: A multiple case study -Care leaver needs and accessibility: Findings from the first large-scale project in Switzerland -Caregiver depression and child behaviour problems: A longitudinal mixed effects approach -Parents' perceptions of a group-based parenting programme in families with child protection and other family support services in a real-life setting -Judging parental competence: A cross-country analysis of judicial decision makers' written assessment of mothers' parenting capacities in newborn removal cases -‘It's so much better than contact’: A qualitative study exploring children and young people's experiences of a sibling camp in the United Kingdom -Attachment-facilitating interactions in non-kin foster families -Mothers with cognitive limitations who have children in placement benefit from intervention -Interpretative phenomenological analysis of young people's lived experiences of therapeutic residential care -Promoting family well-being and social cohesion: The networking and relational approach of an innovative welfare service in the Italian context -Sleep among youths in foster care: Associations with potentially traumatic events, PTSD and mental health -Children living with parental substance misuse: A cross-sectional profile of children and families referred to children's social care -Quality of experience in residential care programmes: Retrospective perspectives of former youth participants -The nature and prevalence of kinship care: Focus on young kinship carers -Parenting Black children in White spaces: Skilled African migrants reflect on their parenting experiences in Australia -Problem- and solution-focused characteristics of parenting support, 3 years after implementation of the solution-focused approach: A qualitative content analysis -Ontario child protection workers' views on assessing risk and planning for safety in exposure to domestic violence cases -Needs of homeless children in the Czech Republic -Experienced support from family, school and friends among students in out-of-home care in a school-based community survey

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